Kairos a certain time God does certain things.
Chronos time itself
God lives outside time
His shed blood is efficacious as if he died a few hours ago
Cross is outside time
Finished work is an event that divided time (BC, AD)
When darkness covers the earth, the glory of the LORD will rise upon you
And Gentiles and kings will come to the brightness of your rising
We add to the year greater glory with (rest of themes)
But 2015 we know we have a hiding place in Jesus and deliverance from all dangers
Prayer for healing takes place.
It is not men that heals but God & He does it through the authority of the name of His Son, Jesus. Healing at the name of Jesus through the HS.
All our brokeness made whole again at the Cross- animation for the theme of the year
When men restore, it isn’t as good as the original. When He restores it is always greater in quality or quantity. That’s why it is the year of HIS restoration
Exo 22:
Whoever lost more, more will be restored.
Offerings of the nation of Israel- all look at Jesus Christ.
last week we looked at trespass offering.
Can man he robbed? God made men the king of creation and made everything for men so he had dominion over all creatures. BUT men bowed by their knees to Satan and trusted the enemy of God & all creation fell.
But what Adam lost, Jesus has restored.
Men has defrauded God through his sin – trespass offering.
When men trespass against men also has a kind of offering- Lev 6:4-6
The man will bring a male ram without blemish (pic of Jesus), 100% of value plus 20% more so injured party becomes a gainer.
Not enough to say sorry but to add to it and make the one u injured a gainer.
There is no one more beautiful than the LORD Jesus. Paul- zealous to proclaim the gospel of Christ. John- apostle of love. Every apostle have a diff gift in the LORD.
Jesus is firm but not overbearing, humble but not servile, kind but not indulgent, zealous but not fanatical… Altogether lovely. Moral excellence like none other. The hero of heros. All idols put aside. None like him. Victor. Laid down this life- life not taken from Him.
The bible says the heavens were opened to JESUS upon baptism. “This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased”
Jesus loves the father to the point of death.
Believers would wave the breast of the lamb, food for God. Then roast and eat it. Food for the believer. Strengthens them.
Loving kindness. His mercy endures forever.
God’s holiness must punish sin so unleashed His righteous wrath on His Son. Jesus carried our sins as the lamb of God. Judged price for sins. Now God’s holiness can’t condemn us for the same sins. If He condemns us again, then God is not holy. God cannot and did not lower His standard when He punished our sins in the body of Jesus Christ.
Jesus restored back to God a richer harvest of praise and glory from the fields of redemption than what He had through creation.
God has gained and men who has been robbed by the devil, by each other has also gained. Restoration of the years the locusts has eaten. He restores my soul like in Ps23. Claim restoration and don’t let enemy run roughshod over u.
(Animation of the trespass offering)
The Lamb of God died and we gained something in the LORD’s finished work and walk away a gainer.
The light is not on your sins. It is on the lamb. The high priest examines the lamb and not the man. God examines Jesus our trespass offering and not us.
Jesus restores to us a 120% more health, wholeness, youthfulness…
God loves to be reminded of His Son and the glory of His Son.
The men that lost the oxen has become a gainer. “Because Christ is my trespass offering, thank you LORD that through Him, You have restored me a 120% in (list areas)”
When u understand the levitcal offering, u know and understand how to pray in a way that feeds you.
There is no prosperity gospel. There is the gospel of grace that produces prosperity and soundness and wholeness in every area of your life.
When u put your trust in Christ, His righteousness has been set to your account. Now, God treats you with favour as a son.
God wants to bless us w abundant life. Some people pray for their lucky number to strike jackpot BUT REALLY
it isn’t the lucky number u want, it isn’t the money u can win u want, it is what the money can do that u want BUT God wants to prosper u first in the inside because you need that first before you can enjoy any prosperity on the outside.
A lady shared her hubby had been retrenched and living off reserves w their children. Miracle seed Sunday- Ps said don’t put beyond what you feel led to give. She felt led to just put what’s in her wallet. She only had a fifty and a ten in her wallet. She planned to put in ten and eat meal w family w the fifty. The offering bag came and she took out fifty by mistake but didn’t change to the ten although she could coz she felt led to put in the fifty by the HS. Within a year, her Hubby was given a great job, they moved house, have a new car and she doesn’t have to work. God restored everything. Trust Him.
We can’t make our heart beat. Who controls it? The LORD holds our breath in His hand. We can boldly ask for abundant life- Jesus said He came to give us life and life more abundantly.
He came to make dead people live! Not just to make bad people, good.
God has a place called His wings where u can take refuge and hide. A mother hand when she sees danger lurking, she cries out and the chicks run to hide under her wings.
A farmer’s farm was burnt down. The farmer kicked away the carcass of a dead chicken as he surveyed his loss and out from under her wings, her chicks ran out.
Israel is still struggling for their land today. Their redeemer came but they would not receive Him. Why did His people kena the holocaust and razed to the ground by the Roman? He could have in Jesus but they would not receive.
We are not just a people redeemed. We are the family of God. What Christ did restored us to a greater place.
Everything in Eden sounds great but everything hinges on men’s obedience. That single tree that gives men a choice to exercise their free choice to obey God. In Paradise, Satan is there.
In Heaven, Satan is not there. Heaven> Paradise
Live one day at a time. God gives us daily bread and not monthly bread. Live depending on Him, confident in His love.
God gave supernatural food from heaven- every morning manna would fall. Food of heaven. Some kept the manna for the next day out of worry-and the manna rotted.
Confidence and secure in His love. Daily bread. Daily grace. Don’t have to hoard out of worry. Trust.
One thing about the future, it comes one day at a time…- Abraham Lincoln
Paul was Saul at first. Murdering believers in the first church. Jesus visited him and then sent him back to the very people he persecuted w 120% more.
God forgives freely
Prodigal son left house and we were not told that he had the ring or best robe. When he came back, restored. Given best right and best robe. For best to be best, there is only one.
If anyone slaps u on the right cheek (back hand slap= challenging to a fight)… U don’t fight back. U see his brokeness. U act towards him. U don’t react. When u don’t react, he can’t push your buttons. Don’t let people push your buttons and make u angry all the time.
Ohahu in Hawaii. Many years ago there was a strange custom in the village. If prospective suitor wanted to marry bride, got to bring three cows. The older girl is plain and the younger girl is beautiful. The father was worried and was happy to let eldest go with even one cow. Richest bachelor on that island who was handsome too, Johnny Lingo, went straight to that man’s house. All thought he would marry younger daughter. He asked for the eldest. Brought not just three cows, but ten cows. After they get married, usually go one one year honeymoon but went for two years honeymoon. Came back and she had a radiance and glow (not plastic surgery) and a charm that wasn’t there before.
God sees value in u. The price set on you is determined by what has been paid by you. God gave up heaven’s best for u. Fixed price.
Raise up your wife. If u give ten cows, she has something to live up to than something to live down to.
We won’t be put to shame this year
V7- This precious value, then, is for YOU who believe (NASB)
– aka as Jesus is, so are you in this world. His preciousness is set in you.
We are the royal family of God. We don’t lower ourselves by speaking bad of people or bargain, don’t fight at the level of the person, etc
Live to the higher calling of Who you are in Christ.
“Coming to America” movie – Eddy murphy’s character worked in fast food joint but carried himself differently
Air of royalty. Wherever u work, behave with a grace not like the world. Diamonds are precious coz they are hard to find. Stones are a dime a dozen.
God wants sinners to draw near to Him. The world says they can’t coz they fm have fallen short.
Ps Prince was eating alone in the hawker centre after dropping his daughter off. A guy came around. He was selling key chains at the hawker centre. But the guy came to ask Ps for advice and said he wasn’t there to sell him key chains. Shared he had been coming to NCC. Asked how to pray in tongues. Asked what restoration is. Ps discerned he is born again, there is a glow on his face. Admits to Ps he was sent to prison due to robbery and released. Smokes although he reads the daily devo & hears a voice putting him down coz of that and felt so condemned and like a failure. Ps asked what is diff btw them. You think one is better than the other? Ps told him,”Btw u and me there is no difference” Going to prison- outward manifestation. Some don’t rob, they covet secretly. Some don’t rape but they watch porno. When God looks at the heart, he looks at the heart. We are all prisoners in a way. Whether we look at good self or bad self, it is still self and we will be depressed if we keep looking at self. Turn your eyes on Jesus. Peter asked about John’s future and Jesus told him to not bother about what is to happen with John and to keep his eyes on Jesus. As He is, so are we in this world. All that He is, you are. We don’t lose our status by what we do or don’t do. Today our righteousness comes through Christ.
Ps was feeling down and read the testimonies sent to church and felt so encouraged by what he read. Lifted to continue preaching the gospel of grace because the Word is transforming lives.
Draw near to Jesus.
The trespass offering is an offering.
Ox (herd)- untiring labour
Sheep (flock)- humility and submission
Korban- Hebrew and Arabic- to draw near
“When anyone karabs the korban” – draw near with the drawing near offering
U can talk and draw near to God anytime. Even on the “throne”. God won’t be shocked by how bad u smell. The prodigal son smelled of pig and the Father hugged him close.
Draw near. Jairus drew near. Even those
Jesus healed from a distance, they drew near first.
Joseph is the most detailed pic of Jesus. During the time he was in Egypt, Joseph married a gentile bride. First time his brothers appeared before him, they didn’t recognise him. Second time, he revealed himself to them. Jesus will reveal himself at second coming and save Israel.
Gen 45:4- Joseph beseeched for his brothers to draw near to him. These brothers sold him off for money and thought him dead, but he drew them near and forgave them.
Encouragement and affirmation – He gives us this coz He wants us come near.
Some people have abundant salary no time w family. Abundant life is money and time w family. Quality life.
V5- God sent Joseph ahead to save them
Goshen- root is draw near or nagesh), place of nearness
Love loves the loved ones to be near.
V11- in the place of nearness He will provide for us. Where? In the place of nearness so draw near to Him.
Relationship and not religion. He loves u. U might feel u have done something He can’t forgive but HE LOVES YOU and HE FORGIVES.
Thank u for the notes.God Bless
I can’t thank you enough for your faithfulness and promptness to post up your sermons notes to bless people like me. Your sermon is soooo great that I could follow the sermon at the same time listening to pastor prince. As a result, it give me with better understanding of the sermon. May God restore all good things to you and your family. . Keep up a great work you have indeed blessing others as well.. amen!!!
Thank you for the notes. I will draw nearer to Our Heavenly Father, He loves us to draw near. PRAISE JESUS!
thank you for notes, God bless you all shalom.