Today when u say LORD I dunno what to do, just let your eyes rest on Jesus. The battle is the LORD’s. Whether it is a physical or work battle or financial battle, it is the LORD’s battle and the victory is yours. He fights your battle and gives you the victory.
– Ps Lian
Blessed be Abraham
Possessor of heaven and earth
Blessed be the most high God
Who has delivered your enemies into your hands
—> that is why we tithe to the LORD.
“Forever running but losing the race
Were it not for grace…”
Michael Brock, Louisiana USA
In 2014, his Soh was diagnosed with HFMD. One night after putting Son to zzz, they turned on TBN and Ps Prince came on. He was preaching on the Centurion whose child was sick. Ps suddenly said, “Someone who is not here, but overseas, your Son has HFMD. Don’t worry And your Son is healed.” The couple ran upstairs. The bumps were all gone!!! Kid was completely healed!!
God is healing and moving and restoring and lifting and mending and bringing families back together.
House of God is like God’s storage place, warehouse. We have offices and places people can go get prayer. These are storage places where u can go up and receive. Tithing you don’t have to give. You get to give. Peter’s boat parked by the seashore and net was being mended.Jesus asked for it. Had a need for it. Peter had fished all night and caught nothing. Jesus spoke from Peter’s boat, and after that he said LETS GO FISHING & they caught a net breaking and boat sinking load of fishes. Whatever u give Jesus, doesn’t come back to u the same. Thanksgiving time. Sowing time. Grace means our sin debt already paid for by Christ. The ground is already cleared. So u give on the right foundation. If your conscience isn’t cleared, you sow thinking you owe a debt. It’s different. It doesn’t mean you give to God he will give u a brand new condo. Not that God can’t do that, but that’s not necc the case. God’s way is you plant a seed, you get back a tree with apples with many seeds. Always out gives man. Will never indebted to u. If people tell u that u must give or the ministry will close down, not right also. It means the ministry might have issues.
Ps’ TV ministry in the states is not funded by us but by the Americans.
God’s way is capitalism, industry and business. Not communism.
The moment our church became prominent, pastor went without pay. Important to become squeaky clean. This was before he had his best selling book.
Ps has never had to ask any wealthy person to support him. There’s a church member who owns a water company which is wildly successful. Ps will never breathe I need money and has never asked her or any person rich or poor for money. God knows his needs and anticipates.
There have been other church leaders who have asked her for money. The other leader called pastor even to ask her for him. Ps declined. Not our practice. The leader was shocked and couldn’t believe that Ps P has never asked her for money.
The church doesn’t give him any money. No round tripping even. No money from the church means no money.
Testimony- marriage being blessed
Man jobless. Having financial hardship and marital prob. Thought God was punishing him. Sunday school teacher and youth leader. Imposed believes that God is punishing them for a reason on Wife. Stumbled into porn. Came to hear pastor’s messages and found out he is the righteousness of God in Christ. Would say that every time he felt tempted to look at porn. Addiction left and empowered by Christ not by works. Found work. Marriage is going strong now. As a pastor’s kid had been running away from the pulpit but now inspired to preach the gospel of grace as well to free people.
Ps 128:3-4
Vine – not for them to eat grapes. It is for wine.
Corn, wine, oil- sacred in the holy land.
Jesus’ first miracle was to turn water into wine. Not grape juice. To make wine, have to plant vine and then it takes years for it to produce grapes and then it takes years for the grapes to be ready for wine making & best wines take even more years. Jesus compressed time at the wedding at Canna.
Live with divinity and Honour. Walk in the glory of God. Meant to be like Jesus. Jesus didn’t dress wealthily but when I see him, he looks stately and majestic like the cedars of Lebanon. Just looking at him, faith springs eternal. His touching the leper is a beautiful sight.
Ps been led to preach on family.
He can turn the water into wine, He can do it again. Not asking for stronger efforts. When He says He is the true vine and we are the branches- we don’t make ourselves the branch, He makes us the branch. The branch is fruitful because of the Vine. You cannot try to be a branch. He has made you a branch already.
A guy realised one day he is not a cistern but a pipe. Don’t look to self to produce.
Which of u by worrying can add to your height, grow your stature?
Can u make u in your mother’s womb?
U can’t make yourself so what makes u think u can remake yourself?
Without Me, you can do nothing.
Our strength, our Creative Inspired Thoughts and our supplies are ALL from Him.
Can you produce eternal life in you? How did it happen? You trusted Him and who gave you life? Him!
If you can’t produce life and eternal life so why are you worrying?
Your problem is your doing something. Doing nothing doesn’t mean not doing anything at all. It means trusting Him for the grace to get up, to do our work, to help other people…
Pastor always prays that God is the guest speaker during sermon ie. Ask God to speak through him.
Exodus 10:21-23
Spiritual darkness. That’s where we are today.
Church- the Jews and Gentiles who have accepted Christ
Gentile- whatever race u are that isn’t a Jew
When u read the OT must know how to divide what is meant for the church and what is meant for the Jews
Pastor explained about the Temple not standing there and being pillaged by the Romans.
Agnos will rise against agnos in the end times
Earthquakes increase in degree and frequency
Many will claim to be Jesus.
Signs of His second coming.
Matthew 24- meant for the Jews in the land of Israel. We are not there in Matthew 24.
In Christ, the nature of the world will change during his second coming.
Jesus died for sinners.
The world is topsy turvy where evil is being called good and good is being called evil.
God saves individuals. There is no such thing as a Christian nation on earth. There are only Christian individuals.
Why are we shocked when a sinner acts like a sinner? Vine sap is not in them. God loves the sinner but hates the evil in them.m
Where we are now, darkness covers the world. But the darkness shows up our light even more prominently. Carry a beautiful candle into the bright sun light, u can’t see the candle light.
Supernatural darkness coming upon the earth. Can’t see anymore.
V23- light in their dwellings.
The Jews just lived their family life as per normal.
How come the Egyptians didn’t light candles? They have more supply, more oil?
The slaves had light in their dwelling which is not of their own. A supernatural darkness that can only be lit by a supernatural light.
There is going to be light in ur dwellings.
Darkness is just laying the background for your light to shine. Without Him we can do nothing.
Don’t try to be the vine. Without you He will not do anything & without Him we can do nothing
How can the vine be rich in sap and the branch be poor in quality?
Many Christians are trying their best to bear fruits. Prob with branches that don’t bear fruit. Trying to supply themselves. Ngeh ngeh lai.
Let go knowing who to credit the glory to.
We are just a branch. Don’t try to be one.
So rest. A habit u can’t control? Say LORD this is your problem, I will rest in You.
When the devil knocks on your door, let Jesus answer it.
Ps Marcel woke up with a panic attack. Went hospital and saw the doctor. Stress related. Went home, and listened to sermons. “Go ahead, give your best shot, I will let Jesus handle u.” Ps Marcel to his panic attack.
V23- these are not dwellings belonging to perfect people but they had light in their dwellings.
Recalls David vs Goliath.
40d of men trying and Goliath getting prouder… Hit 40d, God felt timin was right and sent David.
The same words that put Israel in fear, galvanised David.
In the past, charismatic world last time, people would say everything is a demon. U like chocolates, chocolate loving demon in u.
Now, we have gone in diff direction in the extreme that nothing is a demon.
Medical science reaches a point it can’t solve. We need His healing.
Those in the dark can’t see unless God allows them to see
Matt 5:15- don’t try to make your business cover the fact you are a believer. Let your light shine.
Don’t hide your lamb in:
Bushel- commerce
Bed- picture of east, self indulgence, laziness.
Let it shine!
Luke 8:16
Those who come in your house will see the light. Not natural light. Can sense a peace.
Johannesburg – a witch was doing incantation when she suddenly fell on her stage whining piteously coz an old lady was walking home from church. The witch saw a ball of light behind her. U can’t see the light but the devil can.
There is a devil. People like to say that their ache pains are due to wind or have Hong.
Spirits good or bad are like winds. Rebuke the wind in Jesus name. Hong come. Hong go!
Jesus rebuked the fever. So when our kids are sick, rebuke the fever in Jesus name. Not against medicine. But it is good to rebuke in His name
Exo 10:9-12
U can’t be in Egypt and hold a feast. You can’t keep worldliness in your worship.
In His light, we see light.
If u love your child, show him who is boss. They don’t feel like going church, must go also. Don’t be sentimental. In the light they will see light. Being gracious doesn’t mean leaving your kids in Egypt. One word from God can change our lives.
Parents have authority. Use it. Don’t be afraid they will hate you for making them go coz without the love of God in their hearts, they will hate you eventually.
If the Wife is being the Pharoah, don’t want to let the kid go to church and don’t want to go to church also, it’s ok to put your foot down. Don’t be afraid to be the man.
Not all crisis is bad. Christ is in the crisis.
Don’t let money be your master. If you do, u will be a poor man with a lot of money.
Don’t over prioritise your kids studies.
Even if our kids have bad scores, God will take care of them. It’s not about money. Church staff some had bad scores but are doing wonderful things in the LORD.
Jessica was always failing Mandarin and then a miracle. 🙂 She did well enough. Passed Mandarin. Lol. Overall did well. Miracle of grace.
Dragged the Jews until the bones are shown. Can see in the pictures in the British Museum. Children impaled by spears.
Jonah hated the Assyrians but was told to go down to them to preach to them. There was a storm and jonah’s boat was in the storm. Jonah was sleeping in the storm. Told them if u throw me overboard, it will be calm. They threw him and he went downer. When we don’t listen to God, we go down. Jonah was swallowed up for three days, three nights and delivered to Nineveh. Shortest sermon ever by the most unwilling preacher. “Repent or in three days u will be overthrown.”
Jonah 4:1-5
God saw the people repented and would not call the judgment down. Jonah was from Galilee and he was exceedingly angry that God was gracious to them.
Here we see why Jonah was unhappy to go Nineveh. Not because he was angry with Assyrians but because he knows God’s gracious and merciful nature, slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness and unwilling to bring people to any harm – GOD’S HEART 🙂
False Grace:
Those who say Hell is not real.
Hell is real. Worms won’t die. Fire can’t be quenched. Hell is not spiritual. It is real. A place of torment.
And no, NOT everyone is saved in the world just coz Jesus died. Universalism. You need to believe.
God is a judge but He also loves us so much that He gave up His Son. Fresh impetus to the Father’s love.
Jonah 4:3- angry about revival XD
V 9-11
This is what God thinks of every city in the world- people who can’t discern
Pastor I’ve lost my child, he is living a sinful lifestyle….
Isaiah 49:24-25
Some pastors preach as if u failed as a parent so too bad your kids end up in trouble.
When Pharoah let Moses and the Hebrews go, ALL of them got to go.
V25- released <- taken away
God will fight our enemies who fight against us and save our kids.
Our kids are the plunder.
God will contend with those who contend you & your children I will save!
No matter what sinfulness have captured our kids, God will contend with the enemy and save them from it.
God I want you to be personally involved in our home to personally help our kids
(Prayer for our kids)
Noah, take your family into the ark with u.
God is a family God. He is for our entire house.
God saves us and our household.
His stability causes us to be stable.
We are part of the vine life. Full of sap.
Our home is full of His light so everyone in the house can see the light.
Bless you, thank you for posting.
Thanks for posting. I enjoyed reading these notes.
Excellent notes. Well done!