(Sorry arrived late as whole family is down with a cold and had a hard time hearing pastor as we were in the ballroom with all the little babies and kids.)
Criteria for believer to be raptured is to be alive.
Rapture is the redemption of the body.
When u got saved, how were u saved? Half grace, half merit? All grace. No merit of your own.
Qualification for redemption of your body= same.
The only thing we don’t see this side of heaven is a glorified body. A body that will never grow old or feel tired or be sick ever again. All through grace by faith.
The HS is God’s downpayment and guarantee He is coming back for all of us and to give us a brand new body.
1 Thess 4:16
Shout of joy
Voice of an archangel
V17- don’t like using the word rapture? “Caught up”= harparzo
Partial rapture theory is not scriptural
Secret to longevity is to serve the LORD. Don’t retire. Re-fire. Serve the LORD and He will keep you strong. Service is important.
Solomon’s Ecc is a testimony that thirsting after the world is just emptiness. Next book, Song of Songs- Solomon saw the beauty of the LORD.
Some people are not for the rapture coz worried about their worldly belongings. But what is gold in heaven? The material used for making roads.
Even as we await the rapture, we live our life serving Him and also in dignity- princely bearing about us like the cedars of Lebanon. Rise above it. Glow. Shine. Heavenly touch. Conduct affairs w integrity. Don’t Iive for yourself.
If a person lives in sin w no compunction in his conscience, might not be a real believer.
Don’t think is this right or wrong…But will the LORD love this? Do not for audience of many but for the audience of one.
Most carnal church- Corinthians. Going to temple prostitutes.
1 Cor 15:23
– debunks universalism (which takes v22 out of context)
– all who belong to a Christ will be made alive
“WE WILL ALL BE CHANGED”- all believers will be changed
Mix metal and lead together. Both look similar. Metal filling gets attracted to magnet. Lead looks like metal but doesn’t get attracted to it. The truly born again will be caught up.
If the metal and lead fillings are left under some rainwater. The metal gets rusty. The lead gets more shiny. When u hover the magnet over, the rusty metal gets caught up but not the shiny lead.
The people of the world might seem like they are doing better outside, but the believers are the one being caught up still at the end of the day.
Story or property man.
The bulldozers are all in place but we should not be afraid. He is coming for us.
ISIS beheading children – terrorism at its worse. New level of wickedness but HS is restraining the evil still.
2 Thess 2:7-8
HS is still restraining the evil. HS came in the church. When the church is raptured, the HS leaves and then the lawless one will appear.
Heb 9:28
Eagerly waiting for Him— not qualification, but characteristic. Referring to the Hebrews waiting for the Messiah.
Luke 1- people waiting for Zechariah.
Nothing worse than a mute Priest. Waiting for blessings but priest was mute and couldn’t bless.
Luke 24:50-53
Luke ends w a blessing priest.
Acts tells us Jesus will come back physically and blessing coz He will come back in ‘like manner’.
2 Peter 1:16-19
V18- happens during mount of transfiguration (preview of things to come when Jesus face shone)
Matthew 17:1-3
After 6 days (we are also after the 6 days during this season) – transfiguration took place. Human veil lifted up to reveal His glory.
V3 why are Moses and Elijah there? Moses rept those who died and received a new body. Elijah did not die but received a new body. Elijah was raptured. Both received their new body.
Enoch – Gen 5:21-24
Enoch preached the rapture.
Enoch rept the believers who were raptured before judgment came.
His grandson Noah rept the believers who went through the judgment but protected.
Enoch had a son- Methuselah. Death will come. When He dies, the flood will come. Methuselah lived the longest in the bible 969 years. Longer than Adam. The year he died, the flood came.
God is a God of amazing patience, kindness and goodness. It is a gift of his goodness that we understand His goodness.
Matt 16:28
Matt 17—- saw the transfiguration. Peter, James, John saw Jesus come in His kingdom but did not taste death.
For the Jews, the OT ends w Malachi. Jesus will come like the Sun of righteousness.
But believers, this is how Jeisnwill come for us: Rev 22:16-17
Deity and manhood- root and offspring of David. Bright and morning star.
Which comes first in the sky? Bright and morning star or Sun?
Jesus will come (second coming) after we are raptured.
Jesus says he is coming quickly- doesn’t mean soon, it means it will happen suddenly. The manner in which she comes. Swiftly like the HS during Pentecost.
It was a great sermon, loved the revelation on “coming soon” and “coming swiftly”. I had always had questions about the rapture and second coming but the sermon illuminated truths.
Yes. The sermon was very enlightening for us too. =) Learned so much and am glad you did too. =D
Praise Our Jesus,Come Quickly SAVIOR YOU REIGN FOREVER!
Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” (John 21:22)
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (1 Th 4:17)
A revelation the Lord gave to me, which I am believing Him for – to remain alive until He, the risen Savior, returns and I am caught up to be with Him in the air!!
Thanks for the notes!!
You are most welcomed, Marcia! Come LORD Jesus, come! =D
Please can u explain
1. Rapture is a Marriage
2. After 2nd coming jesus Will Marry the church.
Hi Mahesh!
Geri here. I am writing to you on my own personal capacity. =)
I think you will enjoy reading the following article that might answer your queries:
Be greatly blessed!