Now blameless, you call me holy
I’ve been forgiven, you call me righteous
I’m free
Now spotless you call me worthy
I am your child
I am yours
I am yours
Sermon Notes – Ps Prince (1st service recording)
The first morning crowd are always the people who are disciplined, strong, slightly crazy- good Kind of crazy. On fire. Like to be first and don’t mind being last. 😉
When you look at someone and always complaining about a person’s characteristic. You prob have the same issues.
Ps loves watching Amazing Race. He doesn’t like the couples fighting but he finds it interesting to observe how the fights happen. The guy asks the lady to make the choice and she makes the choice, and they fall behind he blames her. Guys when u give the choice to your wife, then her mistake is your mistake. We should not be pushing leadership making decisions to our wives and then blame her. Easier to blame. When they do something right, the guys go, “That is why I let u choose”
The first area we possess our possessions this year- area of marriage and family.
Shama had a field of lentils and the enemy came regularly to steal his harvest. Shama fought them until his sword and hand became one. May the sword of the spirit and you become one.
Okay to make scripture personal. Jesus when he was in the wilderness, he answered directly from scripture. All scripture is profitable and God breathed.
If even the Son of God uses scripture to fight the devil, who are we to use psychology and worldly logic and reasoning to fight the devil.
It is written…. Jesus quoted it as is. Didn’t personalise it. Sword of the Spirit. The devil gets the point.
There are five Books of Moses. David had five stones in his pouch and only one stone was needed to knock Goliath down. David chose one of the five Books of Moses and that book is Deut. All the answers Jesus gave were from Deut.
Speak it as it is. There is power there! Pastor quotes the three scripture quotes Jesus said to the devil in response to his attack.
What if a lot of people are suffering this and that or what if a bomb goes off?
It is written a thousand shall fall by my side, ten thousand all around me but it shall not come near me.
Symptoms in your body?
(Matthew 8:17)
Ps suffered from depression before and used to be stuck in the occult so that the attacks on his mind came over and over again. Even when he became a Christian, he got worried that he would say something wrong and would renounce Christ and go to hell. He was so fearful and was always confessing his sins and he almost lost his mind.
Ps is someone who understands how severe sin is. He feared God in a slavish way before.
Ps started hearing strange voices one night. Took his bible. Prayed and asked God to speak to him and asked to hear from Him. None of the books written by great men helped then. Opened the bible randomly and saw 2Tim 4:18. (Ps says not always the case you open the bible, it speaks directly into your situation. But this situation was desperate)
2 Tim 4:18
The LORD will deliver me from EVERY evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory for ever and ever, amen!
Many years have come and gone & Ps has never heard anyone preach on this amazing verse. Already personalised for us. The LORD will deliver from every evil work… It is a strong WILL.
Quoting directly, leave the ‘us’/ ‘we’ in the verse so u know u are not alone in this.
His Word is like kryptonite. Stronger than kryptonite than can kill superman. God’s Word is sharper than any two edged sword. Precise like a laser. Piercing and dividing asunder the soul and spirit, the joints and marrow. Very hard to divide.
Where the doctor can’t cut it and bring healing, God’s Word can go to places where men cannot. The things that are impossible with Men are POSSIBLE with God.
Nonsense that God helps those who help themselves. God help those who are helpless.
Don’t tell God your issues are beyond help.
The 15 psalms Ps120-135 – Song of degrees.
1)Back in the days of Solomon, temple steps number 15. The Levites when they step the first step, they would say Ps120 and so on.
2)These psalms are sung by people as they make their ascend to Mt Zion from the lowest part of Earth.
God keeps bringing u higher and higher. U don’t go lower. Keep singing the psalms and you can’t remain where u are. Will go higher. To the place of no enemies or strife.
Ps 128:1-6
Your wife won’t be dried up. Fruitful. Like the large clusters of grape carried on the shoulders of the good spies. Grapes are made into wine. Not like preserved sour plum that’s all shrivelled up.
Your kids like olive plants- anointed.
Olive plant is revered for holy and sanctified purposes.
The very best is in the first pressing. Use it to anoint King and prophets, light up menorah, used for temple. Extra Virgin olive oil.
The second pressing is used for medicine.
Third pressing is used for soap making. Cleansing.
When Jesus was pressed first time, this was at Gethsamane (the place of the oil press). He brought light into the darkness so that we can see things others can’t see. (28min)
Second pressing was at His scourging. For our healing. By His stripes we are healed.
Third pressing was on the cross. For our cleansing.
Olive trees can perpetuate. New shoots in the old olive tree causes it to perpetuate. Playing with kids help us to stay young.
V4- doesn’t matter right now where your marriage now or where your kids are. The message is not one of law or standards. Doesn’t exact. Message of grace. Grace supplies. Message of what your family will be like in the future.
Family that has gone through fire together= stronger ties.
It’s always better for the devil not to attack Israel than to attack Israel. Israel got back more land each time it was attacked. Always the principal for God’s people that it is better for devil not to attack u than to attack u. Because when u know how to counter attack, there will be spoils of war for you to collect. Supplies for Temple of Solomon came from David’s spoils of war. Must have been a lot of battles.
Every child who goes through a flu, that child will become stronger in that area. The particular virus can’t Attack him as much as before.
How God sees a man blessed. Christ is in the home. Fruitful Wife, children sitting all around your table
When the man is blessed, the wife is blessed and the kids are blessed. Man be blessed. No point nagging at your wife. Women change when they see their husbands, the leader change. Stop putting the responsibility on your wife’s shoulder. Women will just take it up. But don’t abdicate your leadership to her.
When the man is blessed, kids are blessed. Whole household is blessed.
When things go wrong, husbands should not blame wife or kids. Should blame self first. God justifies those who are blamed. Not the blameless. It’s ok to take accountability.
V6- long life
V1, V4 – ‘fears’ “The blessings are for those who fear the LORD, Ps Prince.”
“Fearing the LORD is good but the fear of the LORD is reverential.
Bible must interpret bible. Not by hearsay or assumptions or those who reinterpret what grace is.
Grace being unmerited favour is not originally Pastor Prince. It is scriptural. In fact if you use Amplified bible, they put it in the brackets.
Ps 130:3-4
The bible says anything that is not of faith, it is sin. Anathema. Cursed.
There is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared.
–> Why the LORD should be feared? Because of His forgiving us.
No one can kill Jesus. He didn’t breathe his last then his head dropped. He positioned his head and he breathed out his last. LAID DOWN His life.
God in the burning bush and Jesus at Gethsamane = I AM. The strong soldiers all fell at His feet when He said, I AM. The captive held them captive on the ground. He laid down His life.
The LORD walked right in the midst of the people out to persecute Him and throw Him down the mountain because it was not His time yet. That’s power! He did this more than once. Once He made them all like blind and He walked right in their midst.
As Jesus passed the crowd by, saw a man born blind and Jesus opened His eyes. His heart of love can’t be stopped by all the rejection. Seeing eyes become blind because they reject grace. But blind ones can in Grace.
He will leave the 99 to find me.
The Fear comes from understanding how much He loves us and fearing we will disappoint Him.
Hard to sin against a loving Jesus.
Romans 8:15- we didn’t receive the spirit of bondage again to fear
People use this against all kinds of fear.
Context however of this verse is regards to our relationship with God. Addressing Jewish in particular.
Previously, Slavish fear. Old Testament fear.
We want our kids to honour us. Not fear us. Fear is one step towards hate. Children will always hate the person they fear. True authority, kids will follow.
Superman is a gospel story encapsulated. Even Superman will die and Ps bets u there will be a resurrection. And the kids flock to Superman movies.
And women will flock to Korean dramas where the guy gives his life for the woman.
OT- I obey coz I am a slave.
A slave and a son look at things differently. Diff stakes.
Eg. In a company, the son of the boss will take personal care to turn off the lights, to look out for the details. The staff might not.
Matthew 4:10- fear> worship. This verse is Jesus quoting Deuteronomy and since He wrote the book, He is able to refine what He means.
Worth-ship. Know the value of His presence.
The HS in u, u can sense him grieving and u can sense him rejoicing.
You can’t put a price on honour. Ps shares how when he does something like accidental damage a book or accidentally scratch a car, and there is no physical witness, the HS in him will make him do the right thing. There’s a book he damaged that he bought coz of that in his house.
Spiritual. Live for the audience of One.
Men don’t go counsel a woman that’s not your wife late at night. You let your wife do it or else not at all.
Hebrews 12:28-29
How to serve God with reverence?
Let us have grace— present active tense
Also used in Romans 5:1. Possess our peace. Possess your shalom with God actively. Don’t let anything tell you otherwise. Possess it. Actively.
Only by grace can we serve God acceptably. With reverence n Godly fear.
Fear in a sonship fear. Not slavish fear. Different. Respect for the father kind of fear.
Our God is an all consuming fire. Idea is God will consume you.
Entire chapter about two mountains- Sinai and Zion. Law and Grace.
Mt Sinai, 3000 dead. Everything shakes. Touch only die. God gave law.
Mt Zion, 3000 saved. Unshakable. The blood speaks better things. God gave the Spirit.
God has moved mountains. Change of address.
God = all consuming fire that consumes anything that is not grace.
Consuming fire- Nadab and Abihu (brought strange fire). These days people use ‘strange fire’ to brand anything strange to them- Jazz, electric guitar… As long as our youth’s heart is for Christ and their focus is on Him, it’s ok.
What actually is strange fire? Go back to the bible.
Lev 10:1-2
Lev 9:24- fire came down from heaven. Fire of judgment came upon the ox on the altar. Jesus on the cross is like the ox on the altar of burned offering. FINISHED!
The law must burn throughout and the fire from heaven. The strange fire was made of fire made by N & A prob using two stones.
Any song that we do that does not put Jesus in the centre, that is strange fire.
Centrality of Jesus being preached –
Now people call strange fire. Twisted. Tipsy turvy world.
What’s strange today? Christians don’t dare to say they are Christians. Hiding their talents and gifts. Don’t dare to pray for the sick.
Why do people hide their talents and gifts?
Jesus addreessed this in the parable of the man who gave his servants three months worth of salary and asked them to be good stewards over them. Asked them to be accountable. All of servants but one increased the money given.
Diff responsibilities assigned to each servant based on how they’ve used what they were given. We won’t be playing harps in heaven all day next time you know. There will be diff responsibilities (quality/ quantity) given to each of us based on our faithfulness.
The glory of one star differs from another. Likewise for us, our brand new terrestrial bodies and our diff capacities- reflection of what we have used our talents for on this side of earth.
What we do has eternal consequences.
Fear and trembling – need to understand Hebraism. A saying.
Revering The LORD Jesus, calling on Daddy God with spirit of sonship and not slavish fear.
Phil 2:12-13
Work OUT and not work for. U can’t work out what’s already not in you. Eg. You feel love for your wife worked in u. Don’t just let the feelings of love stop there. Go to your wife and tell her you love her.
V13- U work out coz God works in u the willingness and good pleasure
God supplies the willingness and pleasure to do it. Not just do it coz u have to or even though u are not happy.
Hebraism. An expression. When u say it rains cats and dogs, it doesn’t mean it is literally raining cats and dogs. In Hebraism, fear and trembling is expression of being in awe of God.
The church must get back honour. The young have forgotten honour.
Mark 5:33-34
“Fear and trembling” – people assume she is scared because she got caught and feared getting stoned
BUT read the context. She feared and trembled because of what happened to her. Not what might happen to her. What happened? She was healed.
Jer 33:9
May people fear and tremble for all the goodness and all the prosperity God provides for u.
It isn’t something bad. Fear and tremble is something good. May the people be in awe.
Use money to multiply. Put money in bank as a last resort.
Luke 19:21
The wrong kind of fear of God affects how we use our talents. Have a good opinion of God.
Fear here is phobia.
Austere man/ harsh man/ exacting man- sees God as demanding. The exact thing grace comes against. Under law, people see God as exacting.
When U are asked to serve, He is setting u up.
When Jesus asks to borrow your boat, know that there will be a net breaking boat sinking load of fishes coming your way.
We are on earth but our mind should be in heaven- no lack, no fatigue, no unrest, no disease…
We live there and under His protection. See Jesus glorified and see Him above all principalities and power. Learn to rise above what’s happening here. Be heavenly minded coz only then can u be earthly good & bring good into a situation of strife.
Ps: Do u want to give kids overseas with no toys, your Thomas toy?
Justin: send Jesus instead. He is strong. I am not.
Pastor had been telling his son that his Thomas the train toys come from Jesus 🙂
Numbers 14:22-24
Number one characteristic of Caleb
Has a different spirit, followed him fully
Follow him and u shall not want.
Numbers 32:11-12
Wholly followed
Joshua 14:8
Wholly followed
Joshua 14:4
Wholly followed
At 85yo, Caleb drove out the Anakims because he wholly followed the LORD
JOHN 21:20-22
John was following v20
John practiced the conscious of the LORD’s love for Him and so followed unconsciously.
Peter who boasted of his love for the LORD, he had to be told to follow.
John didn’t have to be told.
Peter- V22 is a command.
Don’t care who say what, just follow Jesus.
U unveil the love of God, people will follow and stay youthful like Caleb.
Happy to be able to connect even when I’m away..
Thank you for the sermon notes.
Freely give & freely received !
You are blessed to be a blessing.
Thank youuuuu for this sermon notes. Feel so blessed. Grace to you 🙂
Was away for hols and this msg notes is so timely for me. May you be greatly blessed for your kind gesture.