In the Name of Jesus!
Let every soul be subject to the high power. There is no power but the ordain of God.
All authority is placed there by God.
We have good government. There is no perfect one.
We release honor. The year of greater glory. Glory is also honor! Honor means giving them weight. Honor your parents. Treasure their presence!!
Jesus could not do miracle in His own hometown. He could not because there was no honor. They were the one who lost. They could not receive from Him. Those whom we honor we receive. Receive from the person u honor!!
We are here to feed hungry people.
Intimacy is one thing, familiarity is another. Be intimate with God!!
God has a dream hidden down in His heart. The Father had all the while “entertain” this dream of a family. This dream was only revealed in old testament time.
Old covenant demand righteousness to sinfully bankrupt man
New covenant gives God’s righteousness to sinfully bankrupt man!
He who knew no sin did no sin became sin offering at the cross for us! When He became sin offering, it was the most holy offering!
God is of purer eyes than to behold sins! His heart broke when He saw Jesus at the cross.
Jesus called Father My God My God! It was His first time calling Him my God. He did that to let us know He was forsaken so that we are not!
Jesus justify God’s righteousness at the cross.
There is no condemnation for us because the Son of God came and die for us!! When you know this, you won’t be punishing yourself.
Conscience must be satisfied! The only is to know someone lawfully paid for our sins!! This is Jesus!
God forgave us in His full knowledge!!
God forgave according to His knowledge of our sins!!
Have that peace and have that rest!! He fully met all the claims.
Revert back to the cross and we will not punish ourselves!!
God had this dream!!!
God raised Israel not because they are perfect or good. God chose them because they were fewer. He chose them to become testimony!!
Israel is the centre of the earth!!
All the commercial people had to go thru Israel.
God marked the land for the people and chose the people to be living testimony!!
Look everything that God has blessed them with! Israel were meant to be living testimony!
Israel failed. They were negative testimony. They turned to worshipping idols who cant hear them.
The gentiles came in and taken captive of Israel. God was still working behind the scene.
When you turn away from God u r going down.
Jonah was sleeping in the boat during the storm.
Jonah was running away from Yahweh and this storm happened. He asked the people on the boat to throw him out because this is his fault.
They prayed before they threw Jonah out of the boat. They prayed to Yahweh not to let his blood on their hands.
After they threw Jonah there was a perfect calm from the storm. This is negative testimony and the people in the boat worshipped the Lord! 😉
In 1948 Israel came back. 15th May they came back. 15th is the nos of rest.
God picked Israel that they might be testimony.
Israel came to the foot of the mount.
God used one stretched out hand to deliver His people. At the cross, Jesus stretched out 2 hands to deliver us.
The law don’t understand”try my best”. The moment u take ur ground under law, u r under curse!
First miracle of the law Moses turned water to blood.
First miracle of grace, Jesus turned water into wine!!
Be under grace and not under law!!
Prophet, priest and king, all in one.
Matt 13 are the parables of 7 kingdoms.
Those who are hungry will get the revelation.
If people don’t appreciate, don’t give that gem. It is too precious.
Matt 12 – Jesus is greater than the temple. A greater than Solomon is here! Jesus is greater than all the kings and priests!
A greater than Jonah is here. Jesus is greater than any prophets, any priests and any kings!
When He was rejected, He came out from the house (Israel) to the seaside (which is the gentiles nation)
Jesus with the crown of thorns went forth. Something active on His own initiative.
For 2000 years, after Israel said they had no king, the gentiles fought them.
Jesus is coming back to the land!!
Rapture will happen first than 2nd coming of Jesus!!
If any man sin without knowing, Jesus’ sacrifice could deliver them!!
He went around preaching the kingdom. If there is a kingdom there must be king!! This kingdom is full of supplies! No more wars!
When the law was given, 3000 people died. When the grace came at mount Zion, God gave the spirit and 3000 were saved!!
Grace save! Grace makes a life!!
Barabbas means son of the father.
Jesus took the place of Barabbas.
Jesus took our place!!!
When the leader of Israel said they had no king and from then on, they were under Gentiles rules one after another.
Be careful of what kind of leader you follow!
The beginning of the law came whose face (Moses) was shinning.
The pronouncement of the law came whose Steven’s face was shinning!
Steven saw the glory of God and Jesus stood at the right hand of God!
Jesus stand??
Steven saw Him standing because they were seeing if elder of Israel would repent. If they were to repent, Jesus would come down.
They stoned Steven. They removed their clothes and put their clothing at the feet of Saul. Saul was Pharisee of Pharisees. He consented.
Jesus was standing about to return. That was ultimate rejection. God sent prophet and they stoned the prophet. Finally God sent His Son.
The earth came so close to heaven on earth.
God looked down at the wicked sin. God looked at Saul and made him the great Apostle ever!!
Noah had 3 sons. Shem, Ham and Japheth.
God in Acts 8, there was a conversion.
In Acts 9, Saul was on his way to kill Christians. God knocked him out from his high horse and was blinded by bright light!
Ananias prayed for Saul. Ananias means the grace of Yahweh.
The grace of Yahweh prayed for his eyes to be opened.
Husband love the wife just as Christ loves the church!!
Christ loves the church and gave Himself for the entire church!!
The church is NOT a building. The church are God’s people, the body of Christ. Kingdom was suspended for a while. There cannot be a kingdom without a king. The true manifestation of kingdom is when the King returns!
Jesus conquered death when He rose from the dead.
Most fear are based on the fear of death.
Trace it carefully and we know it is traced to the fear of death.
He changes our bodies before He rapture us!
Christian does not die. Christians fall asleep!
Jesus conquered death for us because He hate death.
U cannot say u put finger into fire and say u don’t wanna pain but wanna put ur finger inside the fire.
If there is a medical name of ur condition, Jesus is FAR ABOVE every names that is to be named!!
Jesus conquered for us!!
The church is not a boring place!!
The church has the reality!! We have the gift of the word of knowledge!
Hollywood can only portray fantasy but the Holy church has the reality!!
You might look ordinary, but u have the gift!! Jesus is the Hero!! It is not by chance!
The powerful Hero! Gabriel means hero, powerful!!
We are dealing with reality!! The world is dealing with fantasy.
Jesus authorized us to use His name.
In the name of Jesus, pimple die!
When u say “In the name of Jesus”, you are using Jesus’ power!
Ephesians 1:22-23
And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.
ALL means ALL!!
It is for the benefit of the church!!
Head over all things for the benefit of the church!!
We have authority with the name of Jesus!!!
Jesus talked to trees, to the wind, to water, to demon, to disease. They all did what Jesus told them to.
Talk to the problem!! Jesus is not your problem! Talk to the problem with Jesus’s authority!!!
Talk to Jesus and worship Him, but speak to our problems and they will do what we tell them to!
Do not forsake the assembly of ourselves together.
The fullness of Christ is found in the church!!
The smallest is 2! He is there in the midst of us!!
It is the Lord! He is the Head of the church!
When we are discouraged, sick, come to church!! If it is infectious, put on a mask.
When u are lonely, come to church!!
Amen… We are healed by hearing the word of God. Haven’t been to church the past couple of weeks but just got back today and received instant healing with pastor’s sermon(Y). Spiritually uplifting!