See Col 1:17- shown at the end of the short film “Home” by NCC Visual Arts ministry team
We we not perfect but thank God we have a God who perfectly loves us.
The spirit of CNY is reunion w our family. About love and acceptance and support and security. But sometimes in life, as mankind we wanna impress others and look good before others, we are all undepressure, under fallen nature. We are made to reflect this glory and enjoy Him. We are not made to live alone but to live w God and enjoy communion w Him. Fallen nature destroys us and gives us sense of disqualification and shame- self defeating mentality/ bhv. Feel we don’t want people to look at our weaknesses so we try to cover it up.
CNY is like that also.
Our standing is important and gives us security and dignity. Don’t have to sweep everything under the carpet. Every family is dysfunctional
When dating, honeymoon period and always happy. But as we get married, want to set up a family to enjoy each other and life and our descendants. But as kids come aboard, we face so much pressure and anxiety because of our responsibilities as parents. Everyone tries their best but who is perfect? Parents can’t expect their kids to be like them 20y ago. Last time no internet, FB, no Instagram…
Last time Martha’s time electricity don’t have bills to pay, water is free one, no FB to go update, life so simple and she was still so upset and curt.
Men are providers and when wives put their husbands down, they feel like their manhood is under attack.
Because of our anxiety, our words become very curt.
Our folks aren’t perfect but their folks also not perfect so we can trace back to Adam. But not here to blame each other. Every biological family we come from has issues but our wise Heavenly Father has resolution for this.
U know durians? Ps Ben bought us durians. U know after u finish eating, our hands got odour and our mouth also have the smell. Wash wash wash also no use. The solution? The durian husk. When water runs through the husk, solves all the odour issue. So how does God solve our family problem? A diff kind of husk- The family of God- the eternal family aka church. Born again family.
We can’t see God but thank God for Jesus! He came down to Earth to show us, to give us.
We can’t study God by reading books but by looking at Jesus. See Jesus is seeing God.
Jesus cleansed the leper and heal the sick and cast out devil. Taught us to pray to God as our Father in Heaven. Give us a connection to see Him.
Gospelise our family. Show consciousness of Jesus and His blessing.
We forgive and love as Christ has done so. Everything we learn from Him.
When Ps Mark was first saved, his wife wasn’t saved yet. He was still unhappy. Friend of ten years siphoned 400k from him. Was angry and in a murderous mood. But once he came to church and to the family of God, supernaturally lost his anger. Because as we receive His love, begin to forgave him. He even wanted to invite him to evangelistic service to his wife’s shock.
We fear death and we also fear to live before we come to know Jesus. Problems don’t take queue number. They just rush in one shot. Tormenting.
But as we come to Jesus, those of us who are heavy laden come unto Me. So we have a place of rest. He came down to give us rest. When u come to Jesus, u are blessed
Our heart always feels and then gets emotional and burdened.
In SG, everyone got to take lift no matter where u are. In lift got counterweight. The counterweight goes down and everyone goes up. Jesus is our counterweight. He came down so we are raised up. If God didn’t love us, Jesus won’t come down. He came to give us life and peace. No peace or joy on earth until Jesus come. Jesus came to give us His peace and joy. If don’t have peace and joy, only have temporal happiness – our joy can only be permanent in Jesus. He is our identity to make us whole.
Able to forgive and love our family comes from the house of God. Was so happy when he came to church, learned to hug. No hugging when he grew up. Hugged his mum for the first time and made her awkward. The mum also took time to learn to accept his hugs. A family should be a place of love and acceptance.
Parents please hug your sons and daughters. No matter their age, they need more hugs. Hormone changes as teens and anxiety grows, u don’t hug them will find but from the world- prey on them. Real love only from family. Love outside not real love but they don’t know.
Sometimes spouse complain but not asking u to resolve problem and get frustrated. Sometimes they just want a hug. We don’t know how to manage our emotions sometimes.
That’s why God is so good. Always validate us and sees us righteous in Christ. Tells kid that it isn’t her result that decides when she loves her or not.
Sec 3, she failed Chinese. Before exam, she asked if she pass can she get a DS game?
World applaudes us when we pass but not when we fail.
Pastor rejoiced when she failed. Had a opening to tell her without Jesus, we cannot. And to reassure her and lift her up.
“I only see u as my daughter”
Brought his girl to buy DS when she returned home. She cried because she didn’t deserve it. He told her, this is grace. It has become her unforgettable memory of her dad.
When in Pre-U always feels like she isn’t enough. Started getting cranking. Whatever her state is, doesn’t affect standing. Told the daughter she isn’t like that one. She is a good girl but must be stressed out. Not angry w family but acting out of frustration. She cried and changed.
God’s favour is everything. Not about what u can do or not in life. Ps is more educated than Ps Mark but learned to see how God sees him.
“Ps Mark, too late la. My kids already grown up…”
We always have this dilemma. We always wish “If I knew earlier on, I would have…”
Ps M thanks God we don’t ‘early know’ because once his mum was so angry with him she said she “early know” would have thrown him in dustbin. Lol. So thank God we don’t “early know” or else he wouldn’t be here.
God is the alpha and omega. Outside time and He is all knowing. He knew Judas would betray Him and Peter would deny Him, and disciples would be fearful… yet He still washed their feet Still loved them.
God uses His all knowing to love u and provide for u. He loves us despite knowing all our mistakes. Gives us even more abundant grace despite our every lack. Turn and seen his supply because all our supply is Jesus.
Jacob failed. Escaped to sleep at Bethel. It is also the place where God appeared to him. God still wants to bless u even when u fail. God is for u.
Ps Mark can tell his girl he loves her but if she doesn’t believe, doesn’t trust, can’t help her. Similarly, need to trust God.
Gen 28:17, 12
God’s house is open to us. His supply is open to us. Who is the ladder?
John 1:51 KJV
Jesus is the ladder!! The One the angels ascend and descend upon.
God’s house = gate of Heaven. Where the Word goes out, the blessings and miracles happen.
After Pentecost, Acts3, this lame man was at a gate called “beautiful”. Peter said in the name of Jesus, what I have I give to u. He was healed. Biologically lame. We are also biologically lame and imperfect and poor like this beggar. Always poor and searching and dysfunctional. But the miracle happened at the beautiful gate.
Beautiful is MEI 美
The lamb made big = beautiful
羊+ 大 = 美
When we are Christ conscious, miracles happen.
God doesn’t want us to focus on self. 自+ 大 = 臭
God want us to be conscious about Jesus. Self righteousness is like filthy rags.
Acts 3:10 MSG
How can we be blessed?
Abraham asked God, how do I know I will inherit?
Same question as us.
God told him to cut open sacrificial animals, all the blood = He has no choice but to bless.
Romans 3:25-26
God can’t help but bless us because of Jesus’ shed blood. Because we believe we are justified.
How do the Jews know that the year will be blessed. The high priest would l go behind the ark of covenant to sprinkle blood, blood is accepted if the ppl can hear the bell ringing. But if no bell sound, the high priest is dead. So how do we know our year is blessed, Jesus was resurrected and His blood has broken every bad in our life
King Jehoshophat said- believe in the LORD’s Word and u shall prosper.
We can arise and shine Isaiah 60:1-2
Everywhere has problems but God’s life is on you and His glory shall be seen upon you.
God’s spotlight is upon me.
福星高照- star of blessing (Jesus our bright and morning star) is shining upon you from on high.
Thank you Terence for the information.
You are welcome, Paul.
On behalf of the team,